Let’s Get Clear About Periodontal Disease and Bleeding Gums

The most recent findings from the CDC reveals that nearly 50% of the adult US population has periodontal disease, a staggering but (from this side of the dental chair) not surprising number.  This leads me further down the path that gum disease is a behavioral issue first and foremost.It is all too often that I would see people for cleanings who proudly exclaim what new gadget they have for cleaning their mouth, or what amazing product they are using.  But, the part that baffled me most was that they still had plaque and tarter build up, bleeding gums, staining or bad breath. 

These issues stem entirely on not merely what people use, but how they use it.  Admittedly, mainstream products are my personal biggest bone of contention, simply for the unnecessary chemicals that are used, but I think it’s pretty safe to say that anything used incorrectly yields less than spectacular results.WHAT IF……the time spent in the dental office that we allocate for cleaning teeth was spent working with patients helping them to really get clear about what their mouth is saying? 

WHAT IF we spent time together learning where your build up is and how it is best controlled?  What toothbrush is best for you and your situation?  What products best serve you, and what combination of products yield the best results?  What if we took unnecessary chemicals out of our products and stopped having negative feelings about our mouths that transfer to our children?  What if we were able to stop unnecessary cavities and the need for “deep cleanings”?  And here is the biggest one…..WHAT IF the insurance companies (who control what happens to most patients) started paying for time spent on creating healthy situations.  Sad but true, there is no money in creating health, only in treating disease.

Periodontal disease, bleeding gums, bad breath, sensitivity and most other things you can imagine can be managed with a deeper understanding of what is causing it, and how to control it.  I’m loving all of the new celebrity endorsements regarding oral health, but can we get clear about how to use things instead of what things to use??!!

Oral health coaching is what I stand by!  I have left a nearly 20 year clinical career that paid me well to do a service that over time I felt did a disservice.  My wallet may be slimmer, but my heart is fuller and I am richer today than I have ever been.  Now, my fellow dental associates, can we find a way to get real and clear about the issues at hand and work on the number that has us looking like failures as a whole.  In school 50% would be a failing mark, and I hate to think that we are failing the community we serve.

Carrie Ibbetson RDH

I am a dental hygienist, oral health coach and creator of Oral Health Coaching, an online course that teaches you how to care for your mouth with life long results. I help families all over the world and work locally in person as a personal trainer for your mouth. Please get in touch to see how we can work together.


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